002 / this is what we know
some foundations for beginning an exploration of space and self
A few foundations as we begin this exploration. I've asked myself for a long time, where to start?
What do we instinctively know here, and why does it matter? A few themes rise to the top.
Space is sacred
There are no neutral relationships to our physical environments. Spaces can elevate and connect us, they can elicit emotion or focus. What will your intention be?
Space can heal
I’ve lived it firsthand and it’s why I'm here. To create a 'look' is to sell short the complexities of the human condition. Why not aim higher? A space should be quietly working to connect us and to make us whole, every day.
Space is an agent for growth
I'm committed to helping others evolve and reach their highest good. Spaces frame our lives consciously and subconsciously, and have the power to underscore our purpose.
Space can spark inspiration
Considered space is dynamic, not static. It can keep you present, curious, fueled for years to come.
Space is a conversation
It’s social, it’s all about connection in our homes, communities and neighborhoods. The ripples of a connection to space move outward as well as inward, touching lives that touch other lives.
Space is a mirror
It reflects back our values and identities, shows us where our alignments need work, and can frame & satisfy the subconscious. It can enrich our humanity. It's a mapping of ourselves in our cosmos.
Space is the antidote
The average American spends 15 hours a day consuming media. Spaces today must offer balance to fast, plugged-in lives and reset our relationships to the physical world and each other.
Space is for everyone
Happy spaces are a birthright, not a luxury. Happy spaces equal less moving, less waste, and can be a guidepost for a sustainable future and a life of intention.